The Medusa Phenomenon

Mal Mohanlal
3 min readAug 29, 2022

In Greek mythology, Medusa was a monster with a human female face. From her scalp grew living venomous snakes instead of hair. She looked so hideous that gazing directly upon her would turn anyone into stone. In my mind, I regard this fear of turning into stone, very much like the fear of transforming oneself into a new person when confronted with reality, as the Medusa Phenomenon.

Do you know that this phenomenon is exhibited by the self or ego in every individual whenever a fundamental change or direction in lifestyle or thinking is required? We are afraid that if we honestly look at…



Mal Mohanlal

Medical Practitioner and Author of "The Enchanted Time Traveller-A Book of Self Knowledge and the Subconscious Mind". Hypnotherapist & Family Physician.