Mal Mohanlal
6 min readFeb 11, 2022

The Modus operandi of The Ego

Do you know who the greatest con artist in the world is? It is your ego, the thinker in your mind. Here I will try to expose the ego’s modus operandi to help you understand your mind. If you are a true scientist, please try to disprove in your mind what I write and see if I am wrong.

There is a saying, “One can lead a horse to water, but one cannot force it to drink”. It applies to every individual ego that exists in the world today. From my observations, I see no one wants to find the truth about themselves. Everyone is determined to live in a world of delusions. Whatever activities we are…

Mal Mohanlal

Medical Practitioner and Author of "The Enchanted Time Traveller-A Book of Self Knowledge and the Subconscious Mind". Hypnotherapist & Family Physician.